✈️🎉🍾That's a Wrap - Here's the Top Flight Deals from 2022!!🍾🎉✈️
I started this project in November and my goal was to try and create value for Michigan travelers by continuously refreshing flight prices from airports in our area to a variety of destinations.
Despite the short timeframe here are a few of the top deals from the year! As I continue to load prices the data on optimal buying opportunities will only continue to grow. Please share this with friends and family and please consider upgrading to a paid subscription in 2023!
Grand Rapids Top Flights from 2022
#1 Grand Rapids to Ft. Myers - $64
#2 Grand Rapids to Nashville - $57
#3 Grand Rapids to Austin $105
Detroit Top Flights from 2022
#1 Detroit to Washington D.C. - $48
#2 Detroit to Tampa - $58
#3 Detroit to Turks and Caicos $252
Chicago Top Flights from 2022
#1 Chicago to Dublin - $241 (Included a 19-hour overnight layover in Stockholm)
#2 Chicago to Montego Bay - $195
#3 Chicago to Key West - $215
As we close out 2022, I wanted to share something that I wrote down earlier in the year from Angela Duckworth that I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about. This is a great message as we reflect on our year and look forward, but also in dealings with people in our lives that we care about. I hope 2023 is filled with travel, but more than that I hope it’s filled with activities that you’re passionate and proud to be doing.
It sounds to me like you really want to make the right decision, the best decision, but life’s not like that. Life is a story, and your job isn’t to tell the right story or even the best story. It’s just to tell a story that you can be proud of.
Don’t be paralyzed by what is the correct or absolute best decision. We can’t know. There are many paths in life and life is mostly uncertainty. All we can do is act in a way where we can use the intuition we have. What we should be focused on is at the end of the story will I look back and say, “I’m proud of that”.